Black Dome Press

New Releases

This category contains Black Dome Press's new Releases.

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Elliott and Eleanor Roosevelt

Elliott and Eleanor Roosevelt

Winner of the Ella Dickey Literacy Medal   Elliott and Eleanor Roosevelt   The Story of a Father and His Daughter in the Gilded Age     By Geraldine Hawkins   Foreword by John Matteson, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Biography trade paper, 6″ x 9″, 416 pages, 50 illustrations, isbn 9781883789848, $21.95   Elliott Roosevelt was by all accounts as charming and charismatic as any member of that charming and charismatic family, including his famously gregarious godson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As an adolescent Elliott was the protector of his...


Elverhoj: The Arts and Crafts Colony at Milton-on-Hudson

Elverhoj: The Arts and Crafts Colony at Milton-on-Hudson

Elverhoj The Arts and Crafts Colony at Milton-on-Hudson by William B. Rhoads and Leslie Melvin 232 full-color pages, 8″ x 10″ trade paperback 168 illustrations: 86 B&W, 82 color ISBN: 9798985692105, Price: $35.00 Elverhoj (Danish for “hill of the fairies,” pronounced “El-ver-hoy”) was an Arts and Crafts colony established on the picturesque west shore of the Hudson River in 1912 by Danish American artists and craftsmen led by Anders Anderson. Little known today, the colony achieved a national reputation before World War I and earned a gold medal at the 1915 Panama-Pacific...


Fort Crailo and the Van Rensselaers

Fort Crailo and the Van Rensselaers

Fort Crailo and the Van Rensselaers The Dutch Colonial Origins of Greenbush & the City of Rensselaer by Shirley W. Dunn Trade paperback, 208 pages, 6′ x 9′, 40 B&W illustrations ISBN: 9781883789824, Retail: $17.95 1663. As the first Dutch farms take root east of the Hudson River across from Fort Orange (Albany), a fortified farmhouse is built by the Van Rensselaers to protect their interests and provide a haven for settlers. Originally surrounded by a tall wooden palisade, Fort Crailo survived King Philip’s War, the French and Indian wars, and the Revolution. For...


Frederic Church's Olana

Frederic Church's Olana

Frederic Church’s Olana Architecture and Landscape as Art by James Anthony Ryan introduction by Franklin Kelly paperback, 8 ½ x 11, 104 pages, 74 photographs (31 full-color), isbn 9781883789282, $21.95.   “Almost an hour this side of Albany is the Center of the World—I own it.”----Frederic Edwin Church in a letter to Erastus Palmer, 7 July 1869. (The collection of the Albany Institute of History & Art) Olana, the Persian-style house and romantically-designed grounds built high on a hilltop just south of the city of Hudson by Hudson River School painter...


Free Range Farm Girl: Cooking Grassfed Beef

Free Range Farm Girl: Cooking Grassfed Beef

Free Range Farm Girl: Cooking Grassfed Beef by Shannon Hayes published by Left to Write Press paperback: 7″ x 10″, 114 pages, illustrated isbn: 9780979439179, $11.95 From America’s leading authority on cooking sustainably raised meats comes this concise nose-to-tail guide for home cooks to prepare grassfed beef. Shannon Hayes has selected the best recipes from each of her three prior grassfed cookbooks, combined them with her signature easy instructions and explanations, and served up a simple, easy-to-use cookbook for the newcomer to the world of grassfed beef....


From the Hudson to the Taconics: Field Guide to Columbia County

From the Hudson to the Taconics: Field Guide to Columbia County

From the Hudson to the Taconics An Ecological and Cultural Field Guide to the Habitats of Columbia County by Anna Duhon, Gretchen Stevens, Claudia Knab-Vispo & Conrad Vispo for the HAWTHORNE VALLEY FARMSCAPE ECOLOGY PROGRAM AND HUDSONIA LTD. Trade paperback, 7 ½″ x 10″, 432 pages, more than 750 full-color photographs, maps graphs, tables and charts ISBN 9798985692143, $35.00 Featuring 36 discreet natural habitats in the Hudson Valley’s Columbia County, and beautifully illustrated with over 750 full-color photographs, maps, graphs, tables, and charts, this easy-to-use Field Guide offers...




HISTORIC HUDSON: An Architectural Portrait by Byrne Fone With a Foreword by John Ashbery Introduction by Rudy Wurlitzer & Lynn Davis A CITY SAVED BY ITS ARCHITECTURE More than 200 Photographs, Illustrations and Maps from 1850–2005 “In the spring of 1991, we turned off the Taconic Parkway and made a detour through the city of Hudson . As we drove up the length of Warren Street —the city’s main thoroughfare—we experienced an eerie sensation, as if we had slipped through a scrim of time and landed at the tail end of the nineteenth century.” from the...


Homespun Mom Comes Unraveled

Homespun Mom Comes Unraveled

Homespun Mom Comes Unraveled by Shannon Hayes published by Left to Write Press paperback, 6″ x 9″, 152 pages isbn:  9780979439193, $12.95 An intimate, inside look at the family and personal life of one of America’s leaders in sustainable living. In spite of being hidden away on her family’s mountain farm in the northern Catskills, Shannon Hayes’ words rang out around the world when she first published Radical Homemakers , a clarion call to men and women everywhere to make hearth and community the center of an ecologically sustainable future. In the face of...


Hudson's Merchants & Whalers: The Rise and Fall of a River Port

Hudson's Merchants & Whalers: The Rise and Fall of a River Port

Hudson’s Merchants and Whalers The Rise and Fall of a River Port 1783-1850 by Margaret B. Schram with a new foreword by Carole Osterink ISBN 9781883789398, $29.95, 226 pp, 8 ½ x 11, 200 Illus. The remarkable story of the seaport far from the sea—the City of Hudson, 120 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, founded in 1783 by seafaring Quaker emigrants from Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, and New Bedford who transformed a sleepy boat landing “at the head of navigation on the Hudson River” into a booming city and a bustling port that rivaled the port of New York City. Ships sailed from Hudson...


In Defiance: Runaways from Slavery SECOND EDITION

In Defiance: Runaways from Slavery SECOND EDITION

In Defiance: Runaways from Slavery in New York’s Hudson River Valley 1735–1831 Second Edition, with more than 250 newly discovered runaway notices by Susan Stessin-Cohn and Ashley Hurlburt-Biagini, foreword by A.J. Williams-Myers Trade paperback, 8″ x 10″, 480 pages, 830 transcriptions of archival newspaper notices, 602 with accompanying reproduction of the original notice, plus 9 tables analyzing the data, glossary, indexes of names, locations, and subjects, illustrations and maps. ISBN: 9798985692150, $35.00. NEW EDITION OF A LANDMARK BOOK ON SLAVERY IN NEW YORK In recent years,...


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