Black Dome Press

New Releases

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The Life and Wars of John Stark

The Life and Wars of John Stark

STARK The Life and Wars of John Stark French and Indian War Ranger, Revolutionary War General by Richard V. Polhemus & John F. Polhemus Trade paperback, 6″ x 9″, 400 pages, 23 illustrations (maps, drawings, photos, paintings) $21.95, isbn 9781883789749 Engaging and enlightening. ... The authors subtitle their book French and Indian War Ranger, Revolutionary War General. But it is more. In several respects, it is an informative guide to key battles and individuals from the French and Indian War, in which Stark fought with the famed Roger's Rangers, and the events leading up...


Underground Empires

Underground Empires

Underground Empires Two Centuries of Exploration, Adventure & Enterprise in New York’s Cave Country by Dana Cudmore foreword by Robert & Johanna Titus trade paper, 6″ x 9″, 344 pages, 87 illustrations isbn 9781883789985, $21.95 "I found this an enjoyable and compelling read, and for northeastern cavers interested in the history of our caves and our area, it is indispensable. … In sum, I consider Dana Cudmore’s Underground Empires well worth a place on the shelf next to Roger Brucker’s The Longest Cave. In that respect as well as in history, it puts Howe Caverns and Mammoth Cave...


After Icebergs with a Painter

After Icebergs with a Painter

AFTER ICEBERGS WITH A PAINTER A Summer Voyage to Labrador and around Newfoundland by Louis Legrand Noble Introduction by William L. Coleman 256 full-color pages 6″ x 9″ trade paperback 44 illustrations — more than 40 paintings and sketches ISBN: 9798985692129, Price: $19.95 A New Edition of the Classic Account of an Artist’s 1859 Arctic Adventure “After Icebergs with a Painter is an eloquent travelogue and brilliant piece of marketing orchestrated by one of America’s leading artists, Frederic Church. This long-overdue reprint expands on Noble’s evocative prose by incorporating...


MOUNTAIN RIVER--The Esopus Creek: Headwaters to the Hudson

MOUNTAIN RIVER--The Esopus Creek: Headwaters to the Hudson

MOUNTAIN RIVER--The Esopus Creek: Headwaters to the Hudson Produced and directed by filmmaker Tobe Carey, and coproduced by photographer and Catskills fishing guide Mark Loete. Music by Tim Kapeluck, Evan Pritchard, Artie Traum, and Jay Ungar & Molly Mason. DVD, run time 73 minutes, $19.95 This feature-length documentary follows the Esopus Creek from its headwaters on Slide Mountain in New York’s Catskill Mountains to the Ashokan Reservoir and then on to the Hudson River at Saugerties--a fascinating journey of 65 miles. The story begins with the ancient geologic forces that formed the...


Rails to the Catskills

Rails to the Catskills

RAILS TO THE CATSKILLS Railroading in the Northern and Southern Catskills A film by Tobe Carey, DVD, 95 minutes (Willow Mixed Media) RAILS TO THE CATSKILLS uses original footage, contemporary and vintage photographs, postcards, rare films, railfan movies, newspapers and historic archives to document the history of the dynamic railroad industry in the northern and southern Catskills. Catskill Mountain railroads have roots in the Delaware & Hudson Canal of the 1820s and the post-Civil War railroad boom. RAILS TO THE CATSKILLS explores: the Canajoharie & Catskill Railroad; the New York,...


The Catskills in the Ice Age: Third Edition, Revised, Expanded

The Catskills in the Ice Age: Third Edition, Revised, Expanded

THE CATSKILLS IN THE ICE AGE Third Edition, Revised and Expanded By Robert Titus and Johanna Titus Published by Black Dome Press & Purple Mountain Press Paper, 6″ x 9″, 200 pages, 110 maps and photos ISBN 9781883789930, $19.95 This book is about perception, about seeing our familiar world in a new light. We can spend a lifetime enjoying the natural beauty of the Catskill Mountains and still be blind to much that is there. But now, guided by two resident science professors, we can embark on a journey through the past for a clearer understanding of the present—as well as the future, for...


An American Aristocracy: The Livingstons

An American Aristocracy: The Livingstons

AN AMERICAN ARISTOCRACY The Livingstons By Clare Brandt Paper, 6″ x 9″, 314 pages, map & family genealogy ISBN 9781883789770  $17.95   A Livingston descendant once called the Hudson Valley, “Livingston Valley,” and with good reason. The original 1686 Royal patent of 160,000 acres on the east side of the Hudson River to Scottish merchant Robert Livingston grew within two generations to nearly one million acres and included vast portions of the Catskill Mountains as well. Intermarriages with other wealthy and influential Hudson Valley families—the...




DIAMOND STREET The Story of the Little Town with the Big Red Light District by Bruce Edward Hall with a new foreword by Margaret B. Schram “How was it that, at one time, institutionalized vice virtually became a department of Hudson city government? And perhaps most importantly, why didn't anyone think this was unusual?” Bruce Edward Hall, 1994 This is the astonishing illicit history of Hudson, New York , which for many years was the unlikely setting for a world of prostitution, gambling, murder, and government corruption —with more than a touch of the Keystone Kops...


Fort Crailo and the Van Rensselaers

Fort Crailo and the Van Rensselaers

Fort Crailo and the Van Rensselaers The Dutch Colonial Origins of Greenbush & the City of Rensselaer by Shirley W. Dunn Trade paperback, 208 pages, 6′ x 9′, 40 B&W illustrations ISBN: 9781883789824, Retail: $17.95 1663. As the first Dutch farms take root east of the Hudson River across from Fort Orange (Albany), a fortified farmhouse is built by the Van Rensselaers to protect their interests and provide a haven for settlers. Originally surrounded by a tall wooden palisade, Fort Crailo survived King Philip’s War, the French and Indian wars, and the Revolution. For...


Bearing Witness: Exploring the Legacy of Enslavement

Bearing Witness: Exploring the Legacy of Enslavement

Bearing Witness Exploring the Legacy of Enslavement in Ulster County, New York BY PHILIP WHITE, SUSAN STESSIN-COHN, ASHLEY HURLBURT-BIAGINI & ALBERT COOK Trade Paper, 6″ x 9″, 134 pages 43 illustrations including 3 Historic maps, photographs, and Historic Documents ISBN 9798985692181 $16.95 “Susan Stessin-Cohn and her team of Ulster County, New York, researchers have produced a gem of local American history. Focusing on the life stories of Black Ulster County residents, the book amply provides the reader with evocative mini-biographies of slavery and freedom in this important northern...


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