Black Dome Press

Other NY State

Books on other New York State subjects

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The Mill

The Mill

The Mill On the Roeliff Jansen Kill The Roeliff Jansen Historical Society Built in 1743 by the Livingstons, The Mill has survived more than 250 years of political and economic change. The story of New York State's oldest operating mill is also the story of the Hudson Valley. -- The Northern Centinel 144 pp, 36 photographs, 2 maps Paper, $15.00 ISBN: 0-9628523-9-2


The True Story of Fala

The True Story of Fala

The True Story of Fala by Margaret (Daisy) Suckley and Alice Dalgliesh drawings by E.N. Fairchild The story of  “The dog that owned a president” trade paper, 6″ x 9″, 80 pages 48 drawings & historic photographs $13.95, isbn 9781883789787 published in conjunction with Wilderstein Preservation   Fala was the Scotty dog who was the friend and companion of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Fala was sometimes serious, Sometimes happy, Sometimes pleading And always charming. You will want to read about him in this book.   So went the...


Underground Empires

Underground Empires

Underground Empires Two Centuries of Exploration, Adventure & Enterprise in New York’s Cave Country by Dana Cudmore foreword by Robert & Johanna Titus trade paper, 6″ x 9″, 344 pages, 87 illustrations isbn 9781883789985, $21.95 "I found this an enjoyable and compelling read, and for northeastern cavers interested in the history of our caves and our area, it is indispensable. … In sum, I consider Dana Cudmore’s Underground Empires well worth a place on the shelf next to Roger Brucker’s The Longest Cave. In that respect as well as in history, it puts Howe Caverns and Mammoth Cave...


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